Pegaweb News Archive

This page contains older news, that has been removed from the front page of the site.

Online Web Design Portfolio - Thursday 15th March 2002

My online web design portfolio is now up and running (well it's not like it was going to be an offline web design portfolio, like a book or something) :)

Transfer of resources from Palisade almost finished - Thursday 14th March 2002

Most of the site should be up and running now. I've had to reformat a lot of the stuff I transferred from Palisade, due to page size differences, but all the Articles and Tutorials (the bulk of the content) has been transferred. The last three buttons on the bar lead to empty pages, but that will soon be remedied.

Pegaweb Web Design & Photoshop Tutorials site launched - Wednesday, 13th March 2002

Due to the popularity of my previous Web & Graphic Design page - "Palisade", it received thousands of visitors during the month of January, which used up a lot more than the 100MB traffic limit. I reduced the bandwidth used by my site, by placing all the site's images on another server, but nevertheless, Palisade was "locked" by the host server in early February, and has been locked ever since. I've tried to contact the people in charge of that server, but still haven't made contact with any humans yet. After a month of waiting, I decided on a name change, to "Pegaweb", and to set up

So here it is - Pegaweb Web Design & Photoshop Tutorials. All the tips, tutorials, free buttons, website templates, articles and resources will gradually meander their way across from Palisade to Pegaweb. For now, I've just piled the links higgledy-piggledy into this page :) The layout of this page will probably change a bit as it's constructed, due to feedback from visitors, and any technical issues that may arise.

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